I first met Lani when he was 13 years old. He was a friend of my younger brothers at Massey High who spoke so highly of Lani's musical talent.
He insisted that me and our older brother had to meet him because at the time we were mentoring our young up and coming talent through performing arts.
I remember watching Lani perform for the first time and thought wow this kid has a gift but never knew the extent of your ability until later.
A star is born

A few years go by and we have now performed in many cities and gigs together.
Lani was a musical conductor, the director, the count to 4 guy, the guitarist, the keyboard player, the drummer the backup singer, the dishwasher, the whatever you needed him to do he would always do guy.
Sole wash my undies - oh hell no!! except that one!! Lol..
(had to)

Humble is an understatement

I remember the day you were named Head Boy at Massey High School and what a massive achievement that was. A Samoan boy as head boy..
Family and friends were very proud.
This was also the year you had really grown your music artist side and taking all the steps forward to become who you are today.
The composition, the structure, the melody and lyrics of Centre Stage would truly grab my attention even 10 plus years later, these early pieces I admire but Tua I Manu and Alo I Ou Faiva - Man I was blown away and it gave me so much hope that the authenticity side as a musician was still alive and healthy.
An artist spending time, caring and perfecting their craft. Something I will always respect.
Truthfully you have always been kind, humorous, giving, never about me but always about the team. All glory to God first and foremost and a future Matai.
I wanted to share just a little of your journey lil bro. I honour you today as you lay in the hospital and hope you enjoy this read.
Thank you for your life time support and long time friendship uso.