With the launch of our women's watch, what Andrew and I really wanted to achieve was to pay homage to the women in our lives, with the first stop being our Mothers.

I want to share just a little of my mums journey.

My mother was born on the island of Niue, and migrated on a boat with my Aunty in the 60s. Like many, they were sent to NZ to set up a better life for our families.

Growing up, I remember dropping Mum off to work at Auckland hospital where she worked as a kitchen hand. When my friends at school asked where she worked I would say Auckland hospital, so they assumed she was a Nurse.

My mother was apart of the minority of Pacific Islanders who enrolled at Auckland University at the time, while my Dad worked 70hour weeks in a factory putting his dreams on hold. A man's love for his family was exemplified through my father. I have been very fortunate.

My Mum went on to gain her Certificate, Diploma, Masters and PHD, becoming the first Niuean Doctor of Philosophy - all while raising 5 kids. I'm blessed to have been raised by the definition of a true Pacific trailblazer, and she has set the bar high for many to follow.

My Dad was born and bred in Aitutaki, and I'm also grateful to the many inspiring and hard working women on my Cook Island side.

To my wife, thank you for writing and recording the voice over

To Miss Samoa, thank you for telling our stories through you

Dave, my uso. Thank you for all your effort in bringing to life our ideas.

Our women's series is due to drop on December 6th, and pre orders will open on Black Friday (Nov 25). Stay tuned for Part 2

Alofa Atu

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